U.S. Prosecution and Litigation Support
Credible Law provides accessible and personalized services to international IP law firms with a focus solely on intellectual property. Our team offers scientific expertise for comprehensive analysis, expert witness services, and litigation counsel. We have extensive experience collaborating with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and are committed to simplifying U.S. laws for faster filings, prosecution, clearance, and protection.
“Freedom-To-Operate” Clearance Review
Credible Law can perform a comprehensive search and analysis process to determine if your product or service may infringe on existing intellectual property (IP) rights in the U.S. or other countries. Our experienced team can coordinate with international IP lawyers and databases and translate search results into an effective business strategy.
PCT – International Patent Overview

Our International Patent Experience
At Credible Law , we provide guidance and assistance with filing patent applications through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) process. Our experienced team can help you secure international patent protection for your invention in more than 150 countries worldwide. We have an extensive background in complex legal matters and are well-equipped to handle any U.S.

Global Markets
To fully protect your intellectual property in today's global industries and markets, relying solely on domestic patent coverage in the U.S. is often insufficient. It is important to consider obtaining foreign patent protection as well. Can you explain the process for filing an international patent application?

When To File Internationally?
To gain international protection, a suggested option is filing the invention as an international patent application (PCT) first. This allows postponing selecting a foreign country to file in for 30-31 months. The PCT also gives the right to file in any of the 140 different foreign countries preliminarily. One of these countries is the U.S., so domestic coverage is achievable after filing the PCT application.
Contact Credible Law for comprehensive International Patent Protection advice and representation.
Step 1: Consultation
Our team takes the time to hear and learn the intricacies of your case to provide the best legal advice or representation.
Step 2: Plan Of Action
We will develop a strategy to help you navigate the complex immigration system and protect your rights.
Step 3: Resolution
Our firm is committed to helping you or your loved ones achieve their American Dream by making sure that all necessary forms are filed properly and in a timely manner.