The Dawn Of Paternal Preference
In the early days of American jurisprudence, prior to the 19th century, the courts leaned towards a rule of paternal preference. The father was seen as having a sort of “property interest” in his children, leading courts to grant him custody rights. However, as society evolved, so did the court’s perspective, gradually shifting the favor from the father towards the mother.
The Emergence Of The Tender Year’s Doctrine
The Tender Year’s Doctrine marked an era where the scales tipped in favor of the mother, particularly when it came to the custody of young children. This presumption persisted throughout the child’s life unless the biological mother was proven unfit. This shift in family law placed a significant burden of proof on the father, compelling him to demonstrate the mother’s unfitness in court. If the father failed to meet this burden, custody was granted to the mother.
Credible Law Child Custody Laws And Guidelines

The Modern Approach To Child Custody
Over time, the majority of American jurisdictions, have abandoned the Tender Year’s Doctrine. Today, the courts presume that both biological parents are equally capable of caring for the child, eliminating any gender-based bias in custody decisions. This shift has given rise to the concept of joint custody, encompassing both legal and physical aspects.

The Primary Care Giver Doctrine
The Primary Care Giver Doctrine is a modern approach that leans towards awarding custody to the parent who served as the child's primary caregiver prior to the divorce proceedings. Several factors contribute to this determination, such as which parent put the children to bed, made medical decisions, taught the children essential life skills, and more. While this doctrine is not authoritative in most states. these factors significantly influence the court's decision regarding what serves the best interests of the child.

Best Interest Of The Child
Gone are the days when gender or marital preference could tip the scales in a custody battle. Today, the focus is solely on what serves the 'best interest' of the child. The court meticulously evaluates each unique situation to determine the optimal custody arrangement based on this principle.
Contact Credible Law For Child Custody Laws And Guidelines
Step 1: Consultation
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Step 2: Plan Of Action
We will develop a strategy to help you navigate the complex immigration system and protect your rights.
Step 3: Resolution
Our firm is committed to helping you or your loved ones achieve their American Dream by making sure that all necessary forms are filed properly and in a timely manner.