Providing Legal Protection for Domestic Violence Victims and Criminal Defense for the Falsely Accused
Domestic violence is a very serious issue that can have long-term effects on everyone involved. Victims may fear for their safety, while those accused of abuse may face consequences such as damaging their reputation, career, relationships, freedom, and ability to own a firearm.
We OFfer Expert Legal Representation For Individuals Accused Of Domestic Violence
If someone is seeking a protective order against you or if you have been accused of a domestic violence-related crime, it is important to take the situation seriously. Talking to the victim and trying to resolve the issue may not make the problem go away. It’s essential to get help from an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Protective Order Options

A Spouse Or Former Spouse
A spouse or former spouse may cause domestic violence by exhibiting various types of behavior, such as physical and emotional abuse, verbal threats, stalking or harassment, financial control, and isolation.

A Former Spouse's Current Spouse
If you previously were married to someone, their current spouse can also be a source of domestic violence. This could include emotional abuse or harassment from the current spouse.

Parents, Grandparents, Stepparents, Foster Parents, Or Adoptive Parents
Domestic violence can also come from a parent, grandparent, stepparent, foster parent, or adoptive parent. This might include physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial control, or isolation.
Contact Credible Law for comprehensive Domestic Violence advice and representation.
Step 1: Consultation
Our team takes the time to hear and learn the intricacies of your case to provide the best legal advice or representation.
Step 2: Plan Of Action
We will develop a strategy to help you navigate the complex immigration system and protect your rights.
Step 3: Resolution
Our firm is committed to helping you or your loved ones achieve their American Dream by making sure that all necessary forms are filed properly and in a timely manner.